Harvest Destiny Children Center is a duly registered entity under the registration number 80020003825834. Northern Uganda is recovering from poverty, trauma and social deprivation as a result of two decades of civil war and poverty with so many children orphaned as a result of the civil conflict, drug abuses, diseases and poverty, we seek to bring hope, healing, transformation and become a family.

Mission:To establish a sustainable structure for social and personal reformation, through education, counseling, and medical care supplementation.

Vision:To have a society where the most vulnerable children and household attain love and their full potential in physical, psychological, and spiritual areas.


Our Sponsorship program focus on serving these children through supplying basic necessities, schooling, psychosocial support, economic empowerment and spiritual development. Through individual analysis of each child and households respectively, we are able to assess at a personal level what way we can best impact their lives and the lives of their community members, by doing so we hope to sponsor the development a generation that will be healthy, hopeful, and independent.


We are committed to build a home for the homeless children with a hospital and school to transform them.

Matthew 25:35 says “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me into your home”.

We seek to completely seek a partnership that guarantee such transformations and that remains our greatest conviction and commitment.


Our youth Ministry focuses on empowering adolescents by preparing them for adulthood life. Our Strategy is through Creation of youth friendly Ministry opportunities within our Churches to help evangelize and disciple youths through worship nights, teaching adolescents, offering Christ-centered mentoring, discipleship training, life skills, and aftercare services. We will operate a residential facility and offer support groups at Harvest Destiny Children Center where we will operate youths oriented programs and services. Attract, develop, and empower servant leaders to positions that fulfill their divine call. Offer an effective training program for interns and volunteers.

Our Vision: Raising an empowered generation of young kingdom focused youth

Our Mission: To provide youths with an effective and comprehensive Bible-based youths ministry programs in order to help them become productive members of society.


● We are Christ-centred, Everything begins and ends with Christ.

● Life transformation is the reason for our existence.

● Our plans, decision and actions move towards life transformation.

● We are passionate about people, No one is beyond Christ redemption.

●Every life has value,

●The Bible is the plan of action and rule book for Harvest Destiny Children center, the Bible governs everything we do.


We will host Lean on God Camp annually. Lean on God (LOG) Camp is a child evangelism and discipleship Vocational Bible Camp founded in 2012 with a Vision to raise up a generation of young believers who will walk with God in their time with well transformed HEART that knows what it means to trusts God and a HEAD that know what God teaches us in order to rely on Him and grow with the spirit of excellence according to. Pro 22:6. We are focused at giving our children a golden choice and helping them to grow and become productive citizens of the world.

Our Objectives of the Camp are:

1. Equip Sunday school teachers with the resources required to grow a movement of devoted young worshippers.

2. Train the children a Bible based approaches to singing the Scriptures, composing plays and how to apply Scriptures in daily life

3. Bring Trauma healing by allowing children to interact with each others on the issues of faith and spiritual growth through songs and drama plays presentations.

4. Develop children’s talents and skills through games, music and plays so as to reveal their hidden potential to contribute to changing their communities.

The camp is characterized by Teaching from the LOG Curriculum, Memory Verse Recitation, Gospel Dance and Drama Presentation, Worship by Children, and other different Plays.