Become an agent of hope and transformation Join Christian Care Frontiers
Partner with Us now, support the disadvantaged, marginalized, vulnerable persons especially victims of civil war, sexual and physical abuses, HIV/AIDS positive living persons, Nodding Syndrome victims, Orphans and elderly.
Everyone needs help and remember; we are all our brother’s and sister’s keepers because we are all joined in love through the blood of Jesus.
When someone needs a touch, God uses my hands and yours to touch them and may we be the hand of God that brings healings and hope too!
Uganda is recovering from poverty, trauma and social deprivation as a result of decades of civil war with most families living in great poverty. We seek to bring hope, provide emotional and inner healing and become the agent of transformation through sharing and care for our brothers and sisters in needs.
Remember that story in Matthew 14:17-18. They replied “we have nothing here except five loaves of bread and two fish. He said bring it to me ” . You can care by giving just anything and share with the needy in our community and God will multiply it up to bring healings and hope.
Help now and see God bring the increase.
We collect used Clothing, Food Stuffs, hygiene materials, Household items, toys, dolls, and any other items besides Financial support.
Bishop Matthew Okello is a passionate preacher of the Word of God. He delivers messages centered on God's love, focusing on forming Christ in every believer, restoring hope with the intention of maturing and positioning the children of God in their various Spheres of Life, raising and upgrading leaders to develop the Church as a governing institution of Jesus Christ, resourcing the nations.
© 2025 Matthew Okello Ministries. All rights reserved.