January 13, 2025

There is shift of the Modus operandi of the Church.

What is the PURPOSE OF YOUR CALLING?…What type of followers are you raising for the Lord Jesus Christ?…
Jesus Christ is coming for a victorious Church ,He is raising a MILITANT CHURCH in these end times ,A church that will prevail.Are you preparing your members and followers to be Kingdom minded or you are just encouraging them for miracles and breakthroughs?…after all this will they still remained with Christ and continue serving Him?….the Essence of your Spiritual gifts and callings is for the perfecting of the Saints ,the church and preparing them towards eternity..
Perilous times indeed,many will get discouraged,many will give up their faith,many cannot stand the test of time…are you preparing your followers to boldly say “nothing can separate us from the love of Christ?….

If your calling and gifts are not preparing your followers to grow from faith to faith and not remain “babies” then you need to reevaluate yourself as a minister…
Some people were killed ,burnt because of the gospel..today how many of us will be willing to die for this gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ?…
What ever you do ,I pray you understand the times and seasons in which we are so as we will be ready to present the church a victorious and a glorious one unto the Lord.
I pray the Lord be your strength.

Whatever threatens your peace know that Jesus Christ is in you ,His Spirit is with you ,the Angels are with you ,heaven is backing you .
Don’t give up, don’t compromise,don’t loose hope because of the present circumstances you face in your ministry ,speak the truth always and don’t be afraid to die for the truth.
God is still raising more,He is willing to make His power and provisions available for those who are kingdom minded and not for their own selfish gains…I pray your faith will not fail..you will prevail because the Lion of Judah is with you…

Categories: mom

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